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The journey, not the destination

The title speaks to the key point as Mikel Thomas leaves Guadeloupe after a disappointing run.

After a great weekend of racing in California, all hopes and expectations were to see Mikel back on the podium. But its not always the case. After long travel in a rough race with bumping, hurdle clips and hand hitting, Thomas was only able to muster 13.61 to finish 4th (the same time was given to 3rd place). So close but still off of the bar which Mikel sets for himself.

"Either we win or we learn, and I took a lot of notes today. It's not always going to be given and theres are still many adjustments that we're working on and need to be made but this is a journey not a destination. This is but a bump in the road and as a hurdler I just have to to what we do best and clear this and press forward. It will lead to greater progress, better will come" said Mikel after his race.

It's truly is a journey, and at times as fans and supporters we desire to see the best in every occasion just as the athletes we support do but there's much to be said in how one handles defeat. (sports fan and athlete alike). There is more to a story that just numbers or results. The road to Rio will have its twist and turns and in them thats where support is needed the most. On the athletic stage these athletes carry a nation, a people, the hope and dreams of themselves and others, but who helps lift them up when the load gets heavy. That's what it means to be apart of ones journey; the moments we stick it out even in the darker days to see glory revealed later, in which we relish in the triumph knowing how much pain it took to get there.

Mikel moves pass this meet and heads into The Trinidad and Tobago Grand Athletics Invitational this weekend (Sat, May 21st). As he races on home soil we wish him all the best and send nothing but support as in his quest for victory there is something we all gain; pride, hope, faith and the display of a champions will.

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